RITMOCORE bids reception suspended
IMPORTANT: As a consequence of the Coronavirus outbreak and the Spanish lockdown, RITMOCORE bids reception has been suspended for the period the lockdown lasts.
In particular, according to the 3rd additional provision of the Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14th March:
“1. Terms are suspended and deadlines for processing procedures of public sector entities are interrupted. The calculation of the terms will be resumed at the moment when the present royal decree or, where appropriate, its extensions, loses its validity.” (https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2020-3692).
Consequently, the deadline for bids reception is extended to 30th March 2020. This period is for guidance only and will depend on the alarm situation (see Public Procurement Platform: https://contractaciopublica.gencat.cat/ecofin_pscp/AppJava/en_GB/notice.pscp?reqCode=viewCn&idDoc=60775643&version=60775643&lawType=3)
We aim to limit the negative consequences as much as possible, and any news related to the tender will be communicated timely.