‘Patient activation’ is a widely recognized concept. It describes the knowledge, skills and responsibility a person has in managing their own health and health care. Highly activated patients are more likely to adopt healthy behavior, to have better clinical outcomes and lower rates of hospitalisation, and to report higher levels of satisfaction with services. Patients with low activation levels are more likely to attend accident and emergency departments, to be hospitalised or to be re- admitted to hospital after being discharged. This is likely to lead to higher health care costs.
Tailoring service delivery according to patient activation levels can maximize productivity and efficiency by ensuring that the level of support provided is appropriate to the needs of the individual. Apps and Home Monitoring Devices could be helpful support for patient activation. Apps could complement the education and coaching by keeping a continuous follow up of the patient lifestyle, adherence, etc.
However, there are so many Apps and devices, not all of them safe or convenient, that end-users need some further advice to choose and manage among them to guarantee a successful use. A quality labelling catalogue/portfolio will be elaborated assessing the current quality labelling initiatives and procedures in place in the EU. That means we will elaborate a procedure to propose our own menu of Apps/Devices. It is out of the scope of RITMOCORE the implementation of a full schema of labelling and validation, the approach would be instead to get advantage of existing labelling schemas to build our catalogue in collaboration and on top of them.
The objective of our catalogue would be to guarantee:
- Safety (mostly in terms of data protection and integrity)
- Compliance with the purpose (the App is reliable and effective)
- Interoperability: The App/monitoring device could communicate with the Health service to interchange relevant data, alarms, … and/or other Apps.
Most relevant functionalities for the field would be:
- Monitoring life styles and vital parameters
- Educational content
- Alerts-alarms, reminders
- Communication with careers/health professionals